
熊~ | Samsung

這真是有點冏的消息,就在港台開放i9000更新到2.3.3沒幾天的時間,香港三星在Facebook頁面上面發表暫停更新的聲明,只有講到為求2.3 有更好的表現將以用戶意見來加以改善,至於什麼時候開放並未明確說明,不過有些已更新的網友在各大討論區都有反應過2.3.3有較為吃電的情況,有些地方 使用上也略感lag,是否會因為這些原因而暫停更新就要等官方有更進一步的說明了。

CSC (.csc): definition by Rodfigofd "Among other things, it contains boot images (not the animated ones, that correspond to power_on/off.gif, but the one that goes before that), much like the HTC devices' splash .nb files, .. also, the charging animation when device is plugged but off, animations for the EBOOT program when you are flashing the phone, and also files and settings that get applied to your Win Mobile when you flash or hard reset. CSC can include, for example, wallpapers, themes, connection settings, etc. I suppose it can also contain apps an other stuff.

Although in flasher program CSC file seems to let you select languages, CSC file just have possible language choices, but not the files/settings corresponding to those languages. Those are all packed in the PDA part (NB0 or MST)."
