新版一鍵ROOT工具 : SuperOneClick v2.3.1

情為何物 | Moto
新版一鍵ROOT工具 : SuperOneClick v2.3.1

Update: I have a 5mbit upload so at times the download queue may be full. You might have to be a bit patient with my server. If somebody would like to post a download, you can do so in the comments.

Update2: v1.3.1 is up (had to remove testing code that conflicted with XP systems)

Update3: Links are now mapped to a multiupload sharing. (My internet connection has been slowed ridiculously)

0. 手機桌面 MENU -> 設定 - > 應用程式 -> 開發 -> USB偵錯 打開,保持清醒打開

1.USB 接上電腦

2. 執行SuperOneClick.exe

3.點擊 Root

4. 冷靜等待...

5. ROOT 成功!